Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle



Premenstrual Syndrome

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Definitions

Menorrhagia: heavy or prolonged uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals. Some sources define further as the loss of ≥ 80 mL blood per cycle or bleeding > 7 days.

Hypomenorrhea: periods with unusually light flow, often associated with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (athletes, anorexia). Also may be associated with Asherman’s syndrome

Metrorrhagia: irregular menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods

Menometrorrhagia: metrorrhagia associated with > 80 mL

Polymenorrhea: frequent menstrual bleeding. Strictly, menses occur q 21 d or less

Oligomenorrhea: Menses are > 35 d apart. Most commonly caused by PCOS, pregnancy, and anovulation

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Differential Diagnosis


Cervical or vaginal laceration

Uterine or cervical polyp

Uterine leiomyoma


Cervical stenosis/Asherman’s (hypomenorrhea)


Anovulatory bleeding

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism


Hormonal Contraception (i.e. OCPs, Depo-Provera)


Uterine or Cervical cancer

Endometrial hyperplasia (potentially pre-malignant)

Bleeding disorders

von Willebrand’s Disease, Hemophilia/Factor deficiencies, platelet disorders

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Workup


Timing of bleeding, quantity of bleeding, menstrual hx including menarche and recent periods, associated sxs, family hx of bleeding disorders


R/o vaginal or cervical source of bleeding. Bimanual may reveal bulky uterus/discrete fibroids

Assess for obesity, hirsutism, stigmata of thyroid disease (hypothyroidism associated with anovulation), signs of hyperprolactinemia (visual field testing, galactorrhea)

Pap smear

Endometrial biopsy, if appropriate

Pregnancy Test


Pelvic ultrasound

Sonohystogram or hysterosalpingogram



D & C

Normal Menstrual Cycle

Normal Ovulatory Cycle

Follicular development à ovulation (d14) à corpus luteal function à luteolysis

Endometrium is exposed to:

ovarian production of estrogen à


Combination of estrogen and progesterone à

(secretory phase)

Estrogen and progesterone withdrawal

(desquamation and repair)

Anovulatory Bleeding

Corpus luteum is not produced

Ovary fails to secrete progesterone, although estrogen production continues

Result is continuous, unopposed E stimulation of endometrium:

endometrial proliferation without P-induced differentiation / stabilization

Endometrium becomes excessively vascular without stromal support à fragility and irregular endometrial bleeding

Anovulatory Bleeding:

Hyperandrogenic anovulation (PCOS, CAH, androgen-producing tumors)

Hypothalamic dysfunction (stress, anorexia, exercise)



Primary pituitary disease

Premature ovarian failure

Iatrogenic (secondary to radiation or chemo)

Anovulatory Bleeding: Adolescents (13-18 years)

Anovulatory bleeding may be normal physiologic process, with ovulatory cycles not established until 1-2 yrs after menarche (immature HPG axis)

Screen for coagulation disorders (PT/PTT, plts)

May be caused by leukemia, ITP, hypersplenism

Consider endometrial bx in adolescents with 2-3 year history of untreated anovulatory bleeding, especially if obese

Anovulatory Bleeding: Management in Adolescents

High dose estrogen therapy for acute bleeding episodes (promotes rapid endometrial growth to cover denuded endometrial surfaces): conjugated equine estrogens PO up to 10 mg/d in 4 divided doses or IV 25 mg q 4 hrs for 24 hrs

Treat pts with blood dyscrasias for their specific diseases, r/o leukemia

Prevent recurrent anovulatory bleeding with:

cyclic progestogen (i.e. Provera)


low dose ( 35 μg ethinyl estradiol) oral contraceptive

suppresses ovarian and adrenal androgen production and increases SHBG à decreasing bioavailable androgens

Anovulatory Bleeding: Reproductive Age (19-39 years)

Anovulatory bleeding not considered physiologic, evaluation required

6-10% of women have hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation (i.e. PCOS), characterized by noncyclic bleeding, hirsutism, obesity (BMI 25)

Underlying biochemical abnormalities: noncyclic estrogen production, elevated serum testosterone, hypersecretion of LH, hyperinsulinemia.

h/o rapidly progressing hirsutism with virilizationà suggests tumor

Lab testing: HCG, TSH, fasting serum prolactin

If androgen-producing tumor is suspected, serum DHEAS and testosterone levels

If POF suspected, serum FSH

Chronic anovulation resulting from hypothalamic dysfunction (dx’d by low FSH level) may be due to excessive psychologic stress, exercise, or weight loss

Anovulatory Bleeding:
Reproductive Age (19-39 yrs)

When is endometrial evaluation indicated?

Sharp increase in incidence of endometrial CA from 2.3/100,000 ages 30-34 yrs à 6.1/100,000 ages 35-39 yrs

Therefore, endometrial bx to exclude CA is indicated in any woman > 35 yrs old with suspected anovulatory bleeding

Pts 19-35 who don’t respond to medical therapy or have prolonged periods of unopposed estrogen 2/2 anovulation merit endometrial bx

Anovulatory Bleeding: Reproductive Age (19-39 yrs)

Medical therapies

Can be treated safely with either cyclic progestogen or OCPs, similar to adolescents.

Estrogen-containing OCPs

relatively contraindicated in women with HTN or DM

contraindicated for women > 35 who smoke or have h/o thromboembolic dz

If pregnancy is desired, ovulation induction with clomid is initial tx of choice

Can induce withdrawal bleed with progestogen (i.e. provera), followed by initiation of therapy with Clomid, 50 mg/d for 5 days, starting b/t days 3 and 5 of menstrual cycle

Anovulatory Bleeding:
Later Reproductive Age (40-Menopause)

Incidence of anovulatory bleeding increases toward end of reproductive years

In perimenopausal women, onset of anovulatory cycles is due to declining ovarian function.

Can initiate hormone therapy for cycle control

When is endometrial evaluation indicated?

Incidence of endometrial CA in women 40-49 years: 36.2/100,000

All women > 40 yrs who present with suspected anovulatory bleeding merit endometrial bx after excluding pregnancy

Anovulatory Bleeding:
Later Reproductive Age (40-Menopause)

Medical therapy

Cyclic progestogen, low-dose OCPs, or cyclic HRT are all options

Women with hot flashes secondary to decreased estrogen production can have symptomatic relief with ERT in combination with continuous or cyclic progestogen

Anovulatory Bleeding:
Later Reproductive Age (40-Menopause)

Surgical therapy

Surgical options include: hysterectomy and endometrial ablation

Surgical tx only indicated when medical mgmt has failed and childbearing complete

Some studies suggest hysterectomy may have higher long-term satisfaction than ablation

Endometrial ablation: NovaSure, thermal balloon

YAG laser and rollerball less widely-used currently

45% of women achieve amenorrhea after YAG laser or resectoscope. 12 month post-op satisfaction is 90%. Only 15% of women achieve amenorrhea after thermal balloon ablation, and 1 yr satisfaction rate still 90%

Long-term satisfaction with ablation may be lower:

in 3-year f/u study, 8.5% of women who had undergone ablation were re-ablated, an additional 8.5% had hyst

In a 5-year follow up study, 34% of women who underwent ablation later had a hyst.